Blacklight: Retribution

Wage war with advanced weapons and technology in Blacklight: Retribution, a free-to-play, futuristic first-person shooter. Deploy devastating armored exoskeletons and utilize lethal hand-held weapons in vicious competitive modes.
The Hardsuit is the ultimate weapon. Powerful but slow, this armored suit packs a one-shot, one-kill railgun and a high velocity minigun to clear rooms... fast.

Only by using teamwork, heavy weapons from in-game Weapon Depots and the Hyper Reality
Visor (HRV), can players overcome the futuristic killing machine. The advanced HRV enables players to see opponents, teammates, Weapon Depots and Hardsuit weak points through walls, but at the cost of all offensive capability.Play with Hardsuits and the HRV alone or with a team of friends in one of Blacklight's tightly polished game modes. Current modes include: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Domination and King of the Hill, but more are on the way.


Wartune is a RPG browser game, no download. Players play as castellans leading armed forces in the game. It’s said that the castellans turn the tide at the end of the world war, maintaining the peace of territory while the Devil invaded the human mainland.

Transcript System: The unique transcript system allows players to have more freedom to explore the game world.

The Round-based combat is exciting, and some of special effects will truly catch your eyes.

PWI perfect world

In the beginning of time, the first God of the universe, Pan Gu, lived an immortal life. But with no subjects to lord over, Pan Gu grew tired of his solitary existence and decided to decompose his body into five elements-fire, metal, wood, earth, and water.
 The race that was thought to have been eradicated in the great flood returned in full force. These creatures were not quite living, but not quite dead, and thus came to be known as wraiths. The wraiths appeared to possess a singular objective: to destroy the other races and corrupt the beautiful world around them. Rumors swirled that the wraiths were capable of possessing other living things. Not much is known about the true nature of this evil, but one thing is clear. The three races Human, Untamed, and Winged Elf must set aside their differences and unite to preserve their way of life, halt the spread of corruption, and above all, protect the Perfect World.
Enter the Perfect World, choose your alliance, and join the adventure!

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